The following is a collection of articles on key policy issues authored by Kaiser Permanente leaders. These appeared on
September 11, 2024, Sarah Leitz, MD, National Physician Lead, Harm Reduction and Addiction Medicine Buprenorphine saves lives. Why can’t more patients get it?
August 19, 2024, Daniel Yang, Vice President, Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies AI in health care: 7 principles for responsible use
July 22, 2024, Anthony Barrueta, Senior Vice President, Government Relations Our nation’s health depends on well-funded research
May 7, 2024, Anthony Barrueta, Senior Vice President, Government Relations Can the badly broken prescription drug market be fixed?
April 12, 2024, Jocelyn Audelo, National Leader for Women’s and Children’s Health, National Health Plan and Hospital Quality and Jemma C. Nonog, DNP, CNM, Senior Director, Clinical Care Improvement, National Women’s & Children’s Health, The Permanente Federation It’s time to address America’s Black maternal health crisis
March 19, 2024, Daniel Yang, Vice President, Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies Fostering responsible AI in health care
January 22, 2024, Simon Borger, Vice President for Mental Health and Wellness Solutions for strengthening the mental health workforce
November 13, 2023, Mary Beth Lang, Chief Pharmacy Officer Congress must act to address drug shortages
Sept 6, 2023, Don Mordecai, MD, National Leader for Mental Health and Wellness, Advancing mental health crisis care through public policy
July 11, 2023, Mary Beth Lang, Chief Pharmacy Officer Our prescription for safe, affordable, effective drugs
June 1, 2023, Karin Cooke, Director, KP International, Policy recommendations from a mental health therapist in training.
April 11, 2023, Shannon McMahon, Executive Director, Medicaid Policy, Collaboration is key to keeping people insured
March 7, 2023, Anthony Barrueta, Senior Vice President, Government Relations, Hiring alone won’t solve the health care worker shortage
January 17, 2023, Cecilia Oregon, Executive Director, Kaiser Permanente Institute for Health Policy, Lawmakers must act to boost telehealth and digital equity
December 5, 2022, Anthony Barrueta, Senior Vice President, Government Relations, Want to lower drug prices? Reform the U.S. patent system
November 14, 2022, Andrew Bindman, MD, Executive Vice President, Chief Medical Officer, It’s time to rethink health care quality measurement
September 13, 2022, Bechara Choucair, MD, Senior Vice President, Chief Health Officer, Creating tobacco free communities
August 12, 2022, Anthony Barrueta, Senior Vice President, Government Relations Preserving affordable health care for millions
July 5, 2022, Bechara Choucair, MD, Senior Vice President, Chief Health Officer, What the pandemic taught us about public health
May 2, 2022 Anthony Barrueta, Senior Vice President, Government Relations, How to transform mental health: follow the research
April 5, 2022, Anthony Barrueta, Senior Vice President, Government Relation, Pharmaceutical marketing hurts patient care
February 28, 2022, John Vu, Vice President, Community Health, Private investment in housing is critical and not enough
February 1, 2022, David Grossman, MD, MPH, Interim Senior Vice President, Social and Community Health, Improved public health relies on stronger partnerships
January 11, 2022, Cosette Taillac, Vice President, National Mental Health and Wellness, Creating the mental health workforce of the future