Community Health
We explore and highlight opportunities to create health-promoting physical, social, and economic environments, working closely with community partners.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Digital Health
Artificial Intelligence and digital health can empower patients to choose when, where and how they get care and help our health care system achieve more equitable health outcomes. And while they empower patients, they can help our physicians and care teams provide higher-quality, more equitable care.
Integrated Care
Kaiser Permanente’s integrated care and coverage model differs from much of the United States health care system.
Behavioral Health
Kaiser Permanente provides high-quality behavioral health care to our members and promotes the integration of mental health and medical services. To meet our country’s increasing demand for behavioral health services, we work closely with policymakers and experts to develop solutions that support and grow the mental health workforce and expand access to care for our members and the communities we serve.
Health Coverage
Kaiser Permanente’s mission is to deliver high-quality and affordable health care and to improve the health of our members and communities.
Prescription Drug Policy
High prescription drug prices continue to make vital therapies unaffordable for many patients.