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The Kaiser Permanente Institute for Health Policy’s mission is to shape policy and practice with evidence and experience from the nation’s largest private integrated health care delivery and financing organization.

Institute for Health Policy Forum

Through expert roundtables, forums, and conferences, the Institute for Health Policy explores public policies that cultivate healthy communities and accessible high-quality care by convening experts to share knowledge, spark discourse, and advance collective thinking on topics of critical importance.

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Restoring Provider Confidence In FDA-Approved Drugs

The Kaiser Permanente Institute for Health Policy's experts Samantha Dupont, Krysten Joyce and Murray Ross join Kaiser Permanente's Senior Vice…

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To reduce health inequities, clinics need lawyers on the team

Social ills, such as substandard housing and food insecurity, fuel sicknesses that our health care system must then address. What we don't often consider—but should—is that many of…

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Cultivating support: building mental health services that empower Black mothers

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Delivering high-quality behavioral health care

PDF download available. The mind and body are connected. Kaiser Permanente helps our members take care of both.  We provide…

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Growing the mental health care workforce

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Improving maternal health outcomes and advancing health equity

For decades, policy and workforce experts alike have been concerned about the shortage of mental health professionals, as the number of individuals needing mental health services outpaces the numbers of mental health practitioners.
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